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Our discipleship program is designed to help those who are willing to rebuild their lives by giving them the opportunity to develop a personal and intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  From sun up to sun down the disciples     are involved in daily Bible studies and activities as well as being a blessing to the community in helping wherever needed.  In so doing, we offer them the training and discipline necessary to live their lives the way God has called them to, and to begin to realize their full potential through Christ.  


There are no qualifications to enter our program other than a desire to change and a willingness to participate.  Most of those we reach are poor or underprivileged and many struggle just to stay alive.   Thus, we do not charge our disciples a specific fee to participate.  Our program’s ability to exist is largely due to the generous donations from individuals and businesses in our community.  We are able to provide those in need with Bibles, food, clothing, personal hygiene items, and ultimately a warm and safe place to lay their head at night at no cost to them.  However, if someone in the program becomes employed or begins to receive income while residing with us, he or she is encouraged to pay a $75/wk program fee to offset some of the expenses incurred by the church (rent, electricity, food, etc). 


We ask for a minimum of a 60 day commitment to the program, and set no maximum duration time frame.  This allows each individual to become rooted and grounded in the Word of God while separating themselves from their previous lifestyle and habits.  We understand that each individual’s time table is unique.  Our goal is for these men and women to find who they are in Christ, at his or her own pace, and work toward developing the responsibility and discipline necessary to become productive members of the community, regardless of the amount of time it takes.

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